Monday, April 25, 2016

The crazy world of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Foods

Monday, April 25, 2016

 Many People wonder about what Astronaut's and Cosmonaut's eat in Space? That question is not a simple one in and of itself. Two entirely different Space Agencies with different agenda's working together for the greater good and promoting cooperation in the advancement of Human Space Flight operations. But we all know that to perform as a human on earth requires fuel to produce energy, welp same thing goes for Astronauts and Cosmonauts in space but in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) food is not the same as what we eat on earth. For LEO and Deep Space missions we have to think what will sustain each astronaut or Cosmonaut on their mission profile.  NASA has an entire program dedicated to this in detail at . NASA and the Roscosmos agencies know that food is one of the few creature comfort's an space bound human will have and it takes or add a positive or negative psychological effect based on said food stuffs. So making it taste like home cooking, the best they can is the key mission by NASA's and Roscosmos's meal prep teams. They get everything from Mexican Scrambled eggs for breakfast to Candy coated chocolate piece's (aka M & M's). to Borscht and Vodka for the Cosmonauts. I love food and if I'm going to be stuck in a spacecraft that in all retrospect is a space bound men's room with very little leg room or personal space I at least want my food to taste good. And hundreds of men and women do just that for both Space Agencies. Below are some samples of these foods.

(Above Photo Credit NASA) A Typical NASA Meal on board the ISS. Magnetic utensils (Fork, Knife, Scissors) Beef Steak with Creamed Spinach and crackers with USGOV MRE Cheddar Cheese Spread and for dessert Candy Coated Peanuts and Short bread cookies.

(Above Photo Credit NASA) ISS Astronauts with a veritable cornucopia of foodstuffs from fresh Tomatoes and Apples to Pudding Snack Packs, Tea, Chicken, Tuna, Shrimp and Pasta, Chorizo Mexican Sausage.

(Above Photo Credit NASA) Mexican Scrambled Eggs

(Above Photo Credit NASA) Cream of Mushroom Soup

(Above Photo Credit NASA) Pineapple Chicken salad

(Above Photo Credit: Roscosmos) Drink Beverage, Some sort of soup (possibly lentil), Canned meat product, and Whole Wheat and Rye Breads.

(Above Photo Credit ESA) Space Food Protein Bar - Spurlina and Goji Berries.

                 (Above Photo Credit NASA/FKA / RKA) Apollo Soyuz Test Project Astronauts Deke          Slayton and Tom Stafford with gifts from their Russian Cosmonaut friends a Tube of Vodka and a                                                                             Tube of Borscht.

(Above Photo Credit: NASA / FKA / RKA / ESA) Freeze Dried Strawberries

(Above Photo Credit: NASA / FKA / RKA / ESA) Expedition 5 crew NASA Astronaut Peggy Whitson and Russian Cosmonaut Sergei Treschev make a BBQ Cheeseburger and a Grilled Chicken sandwich aboard the ISS

(Above Photo Credit: NASA / FKA / RKA / ESA) And behold the finished product.

(Above Photo Credit: NASA / FKA / RKA / ESA) NASA Astronaut Mike Hopkins with a Thanksgiving Dinner aboard the ISS for Expedition 47-48. He is enjoying Smoked Turkey with Green Beans and Mushrooms and Mac and Cheese and Stuffing,

Whether it is on board the ISS or a Mars bound spacecraft, food and the physiological, psychological aspects of a good hearty meal are truly important to an Astronaut / Cosmonaut's physical and mental well being. Eat up my friends and may your bellies be ever full.

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