Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A most righteous day in Space History...


A most righteous day in Space History...

On April 12th 1961 55 years ago Yuri Gagarin launched on board Vostok -1 as the first Human to go into space from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. 

Photo Credits: Roscosmos

 On the same day April 12th 1981 35 years ago Space Shuttle OV-102 Columbia with Apollo 16 Commander John Young and Pilot Bob Crippen lifted off from LC-39A on the first space shuttle flight of a 30-year long career. 

Photo Credits: NASA
(Above) STS-1 Columbia Commander John W. Young and Pilot Robert "Crip" Crippen

 And at 2 a.m. April 12th the first successful Landing of the Falcon 9 1.2 FT rocket that lifted off on Friday April 8th that returned to Flight the Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station, pulled into Port Canaveral intact on board the OCISLY " Of course I still love you ASDS (Automated Spaceport Drone ship). 

Photo Credits: Keltisch Wolf Services LLC
(Above) SpaceX CRS-8 Falcon 9 v1.2 FT in Port Canaveral, FL.

So with 55 years of space history in a one day anniversary, it is the most righteous time that we live! I keep holding true that I will see somebody land on Mars in my lifetime.

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