Friday, February 5, 2016

The 45th anniversary of Apollo 14


45th Anniversary of Apollo 14

On January 31, 1971 at 4:03:02 PM EST (21:03:02 UTC) Apollo 14's Saturn V ignited her 5 F-1 engines producing 7.5 Million pounds of thrust at sea level and lifted off on it way to the Moon with her crew. Commander - Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr., Command Module Pilot - Stuart Roosa, and Lunar Module Pilot - Edgar Mitchell on their way to the Frau Mauro Highlands which was the destination of the ill fated Apollo 13. Commander Shepard and LEM Pilot Mitchel were the 5th and 6th men to step on the moon. The EVA lasted 9 hours and 21 minutes and they landed on this day February 5, 1971 at  1:48:42 PM EST (18:48:42 UTC). 

It is with a heavy heart to announce the passing of the last Apollo 14 crew member. LEM Pilot Edgar Mitchell passed away on late Thursday just shy of 24 hrs before his 45th Anniversary of his historic mission. We lost Roosa in 1994 and Shepard in 1998. The crew of Apollo 14 are now forever riding the cosmic rays into infinity together. May wings of fairies fueled by rocket fuel carry you to the great beyond.

L-R CMP - Stuart Roosa, CDR - Alan B Shepard Jr., LMP - Edgar Mitchell

Myself and Edgar Mitchell at the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation - Meet and Greet at Kennedy Space Center 11/2014.

It was a true honor to meet you Capt. Mitchell, Gods Speed sir!!!!

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