Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Falcon 9 and Dragon will spread their wings once again! The return to flight of the Dragon cargocraft.


The Falcon 9 and Dragon will spread their wings once again! The return to flight of the Dragon cargocraft.

Tomorrow April 8, 2016 will be the celebrated return to flight of the SpaceX Dragon Cargo Spacecraft  will lift off from SLC-40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 4:43 p.m. EST (8:43 P.M. UTC) to deliver 7000 pounds of cargo and supplies to the International Space Station.

 On board this flight in the unpressurized cargo trunk is the Bigelow Aerospace test article for the BEAM (Bigelow Expandable Activity Module), it will be connected to the Harmony module of the International Space Station! It will be used for testing to prove the Technical, Safety, operational and financial soundness of the design of the an inflatable space station component being produced by "New Space" agency Bigelow Aerospace.

 Bigelow Aerospace is developing inflatable modules for the private sector and the commercial sector 4 space tourism for deep-space exploration and so on the largest version they have is the BA 2100 Olympus module which was showcased in Las Vegas Nevada last year.

Phot credit: NASA 
(Above) CRS-8 Mission Overview

Photo Credit: SpaceX
(Above) SpaceX Falcon 9 v1.2 with the CRS-8 after its Static Fire Test on Tuesday

Photo Credit: NASA (Above) BEAM before being packed into Dragons exterior cargo trunk.

Photo credit: SpaceX
B.A. - BEAM being packed into the cargo trunk of the CRS-8 Dragon Spacecraft.

Photo Credit: Bigelow Aerospace 
(Above) Dragon blown up with Dragon/BEAM insignea.

Photo Credit: Bigelow Aerospace
(Above) Technical dimension specifications of the BEAM inflated.

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