Friday, March 11, 2016

SpaceX ASDS in Port Canaveral at dock.

March 11, 2016

SpaceX ASDS in Port Canaveral at dock.

Took a short drive yesterday to Port Canaveral FL, from the Kennedy Space Center Visitor complex today to capture a few images of the famed SpaceX Automated Spaceport Drone Ship " Of Course I still Love You ", named from one of 2 ships in the Player of Games novel in the ("Culture Novel series") by Scottish Science Fiction Author Ian M Banks. 

The other ASPDS is the named after  another ship in the book "Just Read The Instructions". There have been photos showing up in twitter and imgur of the OCISLY with a hole punched through the deck plating, showing just how hard the Falcon 9 first stage hit the landing barge on the SES-9 landing attempt!. The photo used showing the damage was taken by a Reddit SpaceX page fan and contributor Craig VanderGalien with his personal drone. Here is a link to one of 2 imgur pages with his photos taken with his quad-copter drone. Still no word from SpaceX or official video's or photo's of that landing attempt. stay tuned for further updates...
OCISLY at Port Canaveral, FL Cargo Docks (left upper corner you can see the hole in the deck.)
Photo Credit Craig VanderGalien imgur

Photo Space Science / 2016 and Craig Vander Galien 2016

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